Initially named Same Tag Television Arts Group in 2012, The Actor Academy was founded in Miami, Florida by TV Director and Venezuelan Psychologist Maria Eugenia Perera, who created a teaching method that combines Acting and Psychology.
She considers that Psychology helps actors comprehend human behavior, motivation, and emotions, enabling more authentic performances and cultivate a more empathetic and mindful approach to their craft. They develop a deeper understanding of them self and other, enhancing their emotional intelligence and emphathy.
Same Tag started in 2012 as a small talent development company, focused on helping people break into the entertainment industry. Over time, we realized there was a greater need for a place where young actors could not only be discovered but also trained and nurtured from the ground up. By 2020, after years of working closely with actors and witnessing the challenges they faced, we decided it was time to evolve. We transformed Same Tag into The Actor Academy, creating a space where kids and teens could receive professional instructions —not just in acting techniques, but also in understanding the psychology behind their performances. We wanted to offer more than just exposure; we wanted to help young actors truly grow, both artistically and personally. This rebranding was driven by our deep commitment to supporting our students in a more meaningful way, setting them up for long-term success in the industry. Today we are an Acting Career Management and Development Company Specialized in Kids and Teens.
Founder and owner of Same Tag Television Arts Group in 2012 and
The Actor Academy in 2020. Originally from Caracas, Venezuela.
Maria graduated from New Profession Institute in 1992 with a Mayor in Marketing and Advertising. In 1998 she graduated from Central University of Venezuela with a degree in Psychology.
In 1998 Maria moves to USA. She specialized in Training and Professional Development at the University of Miami in 2000 and later in Film Directing Techniques at the New York Film Academy in 2007.
Maria has over 37 years of experience in the TV industry, having produced over 28 soap operas, 11 music videos, and 5 children's comedies, all for large networks such as Viacom/Nickelodeon, Univisión and Telemundo/NBC.
She is the first Latina woman directing dramatic content in Miami. Maria has a very successful career as a Television Director and as an Acting Coach.
She believes that trough Acting actors can develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their strengths, and weakness, leading to personal growth and self awareness.
Most Important..she mother of twins.
Our faculty is our strength. Comprised of experienced, dedicated, and passionate educators, each faculty member brings a wealth of professional experience and a commitment to nurturing the potential in every student